About Us
I'm Bilingual!®
Languages Through Music
Es un currículo de aprendizaje temprano complementario y flexible basado en textos y música en español culturalmente auténticos.
La colección I'm Bilingual! ofrece a los docentes estrategias y materiales basados en investigaciones que ayudan a los estudiantes a desarrollar habilidades esenciales
y fundamentales para lograr resultados académicos y sociales positivos, proporcionando
un impacto de por vida para los niños
y abriendo una ventana al mundo.
Award-winning Supplemental
Early Learning Curriculum

I’m Bilingual!® Complete Collection
Illustrated Song Books and Educational Activity Cards:
Pimpón Big Book
Pimpón Small Book
Pimpón Set of Vocabulary and Learning Cards
Pimpón Set of Shapes and Colors Cards
La Finca Big Book
La Finca Small Book
La Finca Set of Vocabulary and Learning Cards
La Finca Set of Animal Sounds Cards
Los Pajaritos Big Book
Los Pajaritos Small Book
Los Pajaritos Set of Vocabulary and Learning Cards
Los Pajaritos Set of Rhythmic Fun Cards
Los Pollitos Big Book
Los Pollitos Small Book
Los Pollitos Set of Vocabulary and Learning Cards
Los Pollitos Set of Numeracy Cards
Award-winning Spanish Children's Song Collection and Guide:
¡Cantemos Todos Juntos! (Let's Sing Together) CD Collection
¡Cantemos Todos Juntos! (Let's Sing Together) Teacher's Guide
Printable activity sheets for all books
Video tutorials of songs and activities
Lesson plans
The I'm Bilingual!® Supplemental Early Learning Curriculum includes award-winning books in Spanish based on authentic texts and music, supporting videos and games that contribute to the development of language and musical skills in young children. The printable activity sheets include the following early learning skills and/or activities:
Spanish vocabulary Numeracy Verbs and gross motor movement
Diversity Sequencing Nutrition Astronomy Creative movement STEAM
Onomatopoeias and musical activities Forms and shapes Arithmetic
Social Emotional Learning Listening and singing Drawing and coloring
Field tested for over 15 years, the I’m Bilingual!® Languages Through Music collection aligns with most Early Childhood learning goals and strategies for schools in the United States.
Utilizing I’m Bilingual! books and material, educators can:
• guide students in their journey to acquire music competency, a lifetime gift that
includes feeling the steady beat, learning to identify pitches and developing a
musical ear
• present Spanish through songs, games and activities
• explore music and music concepts, including dynamics and tempo
• engage in fun vocalizations and pitch exploration
• invite children to generate musical ideas by creating and playing music patterns
• connect children to a multicultural world through music
• combine science, math, arts and technology
• support children as they begin to read in context of rhymes and songs
• engage in creative movement, storytelling and dramatic play
Yolanda Borrás
¡Soy Bilingüe!® Idiomas a Través de la Música
Especialista en educación infantil, autora y fundadora de I'm Bilingual!® Languages Through Music. Nacida en República Dominicana, Yolanda Borrás ha impartido docencia en Estados Unidos, Europa, Asia y el Caribe. Ha dedicado su vida profesional a la educación infantil y a la gestión empresarial educativa. Yolanda ofrece talleres de educación musical y formación para docentes de educación infantil y participa como ponente invitada en congresos internacionales. Obtuvo su licenciatura en Música en el Conservatorio Peabody de la Universidad Johns Hopkins y una maestría en Administración Educativa en el Teachers College de la Universidad de Columbia.
A través de ¡Soy Bilingüe! ® Yolanda ofrece herramientas y recursos efectivos que los educadores pueden utilizar para enriquecer sus programas y desarrollar con éxito habilidades musicales y lingüísticas en los niños desde una edad temprana.
Su colección de música infantil y cancioneros ilustrados ha sido premiada internacionalmente.